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Load Balancing using Resource Utilization for Cloud Computing

Issue Abstract

Load balancing is a technique that distributes the excess dynamic local workload evenly across all the nodes. It is
used for achieving a better service provisioning and resource utilization ratio, hence improving the overall performance of the system Incoming tasks are coming from different location are received by the load balancer and then distributed to the data center ,for the proper load distribution. The aim of our project is as
follows: To increase the availability of services, To increase the, user satisfaction, To maximize resource utilization. To reduce the execution time and waiting time of task coming from different location. To improve the performance, Maintain system stability, Build fault tolerance system, Accommodate future modification, Avoid overloading of virtual machine. With the demand in Cloud Computing industry, the cloud service providers attracts customers with various demands. The diverse price scheme safeguards the discount pricing strategy from the market of Cloud brokers. The Cloud brokers take the full advantage of Cloud service providers. The cloud service providers helps every customers to utilize discount pricing strategy offered through online schedule.
Keywords: Cloud Computing; Cloud Brokers; Virtual Machine; Fault Tolerance System; Utilization Ratio;

Author Information
Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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