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Job Satisfaction of Nationalised Bank Employees in Kanyakumari District

Issue Abstract


Job satisfaction is one of the most research variables in the area of workplace psychology, and has been associated with numerous [Psychosocial issues - the changing world of work] organizational factors]] ranging from leadership to job design. This article seeks to sketch the key definitions relating to job satisfaction, the main theories related to clearing up job satisfaction, as well as the types of and issues contiguous the measurement of job satisfaction. While it is also important to explore what factors lead and is impacted by job satisfaction, this is covered in this study.The present study is examining in nature, as it seeks to discover ideas and insight to bring out anew relationship. The research design is flexible enough to provide anopportunity for considering different aspects of theproblem under study. It helps in bringing into focus some inherent weakness in anenterprise regarding which in-depth study can influence the factors of job satisfaction of Nationalised bank employees in Kanyakumari district. Keywords: Employee perception, Job nature, working environment, etc.

Author Information
Dr.J.Anisha Shainne Thangam
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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