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Job Satisfaction among College Teachers a Study on Government Colleges in TamilNadu

Issue Abstract

College Teachers are the most important group of professionals for our nation’s future. Therefore, it is astonishing to know that even today many of the college teachers are dissatisfied with their jobs. Job satisfaction among college teachers is good not only for themselves but society as a whole. It increases productivity and classroom
performance in the college. Teachers are the source of guidance in all the crucial steps in the academic life of the students. When the teachers are satisfied in their job at that time only they have interested to teach students with efficiently and effectively. This study was undertaken to identify the factors which impact the level of satisfaction of
college teachers in Kerala. Mainly there are three objectives are involved in this study. The data used in this paper is primary in nature and collected through personal interviews in the form of questionnaire from a sample of 150 college teachers selected from the five Government Colleges of Tamilnadu. The tools used for this study are percentage analysis and coefficient of correlation. Research shows that female college teachers are more satisfied with their job than male teachers.
Keywords: College Teachers, Government Colleges, Job Satisfaction, Job Security, Performance

Author Information
Dr. R. Eswaran
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
02 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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