The air pollution level is fastly increased due to factors like industries, urbanization, increasing population, vehicle use which can affect human health. IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System is used to monitor Air Quality over a web server using the Internet. It will activate an alarm when the air quality goes out of range a certain level, means when there is acceptable amount of harmful gases present in the air like NH3, benzene, smoke, CO2, alcohol, and NOx. It will display the air quality in PPM on the LCD and on the webpage so we can easily monitor air pollution.
The device uses MQ135 and MQ6 sensors to detect the most harmful gases and can measure their amount accurately.
[1] https://securedstatic.greenpeace.org/india/Global/india/Airpoclypse--Not-just-Delhi--Air-in-mostIndian-cities-hazardous--Greenpeace-report.pdf.
[2] content/uploads/2008/04/5v-regulator-using7805.JPG
[3] https://store.arduino.cc/arduino-uno-rev3
[4] https://www.arduino.cc/
[5] https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-LOTSolution-PH-valuo-Temperature-detector-sensormodule-for-arduino-Freeshipping/32620995019.html?spm=2114.4001