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An Investigation of Share Price Volatility and its Impact on Capital Market – A Pivotal Focus

Issue Abstract

An efficient Stock Exchange promotes industrial growth, economic developments, and capital formation, channelizes capital into productive sectors of the economy, mobilizes community savings, and offers opportunities to individuals to improve their economic well-being. Security analysis forms an essential activity of stock exchange operations. It would have been difficult to deal in the stock exchange without proper knowledge of security analysis. In the present scenario, stock market return volatility is a matter of great concern for policymakers and investors. The present research is entitled “AN INVESTIGATION OF SHARE PRICE VOLATILITY AND ITS IMPACT ON CAPITAL MARKET – a PIVOTAL FOCUS”. Is a humble effort to know share price volatility and its impact on the capital market for the specific period. The chapter being introductory spells out the nature, scope objectives, and methodology adopted for the study along with a review of the studies on share price volatility. An overview of the stock market starting from the origin, major stock indices, and how they are calculated, and the concept of volatility in the stock market is presented study. Finally, the major findings, conclusion, and suggestions emerging from the study are presented in the study.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2016
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Issue References


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