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Investigating the Impact of Transportation Capacity Shortage on Logistics Performance: Insights from the Driver Shortage Phenomenon

Issue Abstract

This study aims to thoroughly evaluate the transportation capacity scarcity issue affecting logistics service providers. This quantitative study investigates the many relationships between transportation capacity shortages and logistics performance, focusing on lessons gleaned from frequent driver shortage concerns. The study, which has a sample size of 220 participants, looks into the impact of transportation limits on logistical operations. Using comprehensive surveys and statistical analysis, the study uncovers compelling evidence about the consequences of limited transportation capacity on various areas of logistics performance. According to the survey, a shortage of transportation capacity has a significant influence on logistics efficiency, resulting in delayed deliveries, greater transportation costs, and increased consumer satisfaction. Statistical analysis reveals a significant negative association between transportation capacity limits and timely order fulfilment rates, indicating that appropriate transportation resources are vital to guaranteeing efficient operations. Furthermore, the study examines the cascading effects of driver shortages on supply chain resilience, emphasizing logistics networks' sensitivity to capacity shortages-related delays. Furthermore, the article examines the strategic implications of a transportation capacity shortage for organizational competitiveness 

Keywords: Transportation capacity shortage, Logistics performance, Driver shortage phenomenon, Supply chain disruptions, Workforce management, Technological solutions.

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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