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Introduction to the Solar neutrinos

Issue Abstract

The main sources of information in the current universe are neutrinos. Weather it is extra dimensions or anything beyond the standard model. The main source of information is the neutrino. The all three type of neutrinos offer opportunity to study how matter interact with the neutrinos. Neutrinos also can act as the probe of standard solar model as predicted by Behcall, a sensitive search for new physics phenomenon, and a probe of solar formation and solar system structure. This paper review some of the great achievements of the neutrinos which came from sun as proposed by the solar model and how they can overwhelm the modern scientific knowledge.
Keywords: Neutrino masses, Neutrinos, neutrino oscillations, massive neutrinos.

Author Information
Kanwaljeet Singh Channey
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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