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Internet of Things-Importance and Applications

Issue Abstract

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a network of interconnected devices facilitated by seamless communication between devices, cloud technology, and device-to-device interactions. This article delves into the evolution and significance of IoT in reshaping various sectors. IoT integrates physical devices through sensors and unique identifiers, enabling real-time communication without direct human intervention. The term "Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999, aligning with the trend of internet connectivity. IoT's origins date back to the 1970s, and early instances such as the first internet-connected appliance, a Coke machine, showcased its potential. IoT's evolution is closely linked to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, which eventually gave rise to modern IoT systems. The article explores IoT's growth from 2020 to 2023, where billions of devices are actively collecting and sharing data for both consumer and industrial applications. The article outlines several examples of IoT applications. including connected cars, smart homes, smart cities, and industrial IoT (IIoT). It emphasizes IIoT's impact on various sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, transport, and retail, highlighting its role in predictive maintenance, wearables, and robotics. IoT's significance lies in enhancing convenience, efficiency, and transpires in both consumer and business contexts. The transformative force of IoT prompts organizations to adopt automation, monitor business processes, enhance customer experience, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. (Keywords: cloud technology, sensors, internet connectivity, SCADA systems, connected cars, smart homes, smart cities, IIoT, manufacturing, logistics, wearables, automation, data-driven insights, innovation)

Author Information
Dr. Geetha Bai .B.
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References


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