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Internet of Things

Issue Abstract


Internet of things (or) IOT, it is the system of interrelated mechanical and digital machines, computing devices, objects, people or animal that are provided with the unique identifiers and able to transfer data over a network without the need of human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. It is embedded with software, sensors, and other technologies for connecting and exchanging with other devices and system over the network. There are more than 13.8 billion on 2021, 16.4 billion on 2022, 19.8 billion on 2023, and in future it grows to 30 billion by 2030 users of IoT. For example, IoT devices are Alexa, Sir, Etc. Technologies that have made IoT possible are cloud computing, artificial intelligence(AI), Machine learning and analytics, connectivity. IoT Applications or platforms are sensor technologies, unique identifiers consumer IoT, Commercial IoT, internet connectivity, edge computing. IoT work with smart devices, graphical user interface, IoT application
Keywords: Internet of things (IoT), Cloud computing, edge computing, artificial intelligence, sensor technologies, internet connectivity.

Author Information
Nishanthika Saravanan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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