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An Insight into the Passport Seva Project in India

Issue Abstract

Climate is the main factor that influences any  agricultural operation starting from field preparation to harvesting. Agriculture which relays on them Climate condition contributes to 10 percent of gross Domestic product and provides employment for about two percent of the rural work force in Tamil Nadu Temperature, humanity, rainfall, wind atmospheric pressure. Precipitation and other Metrological condition decide the climate condition of a particular place. Since,the past few years the cropping pattern is experiencing a change due to the weather prevailing in the area. The effects of Climate change have been found to have implications for dry land and irrigate
crop yield as well as irrigation water use (Reserving and Iglesi as 1994) Except rain fall, all other climate factors are uniform and little influence on crop field. The drastic changes in the rainfall pattern of Tamil Nadu affect the significant area under cultivation. 

Author Information
Noora Mohamed Kutty
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Rosenzweig.C and A.Iglesias (eds) (1994).  Implications of climate change for International Agriculture. Crop modeling study. EPA 230-B  94-603. 
2) Bazzaz, F.A, Fajer E.D (1992), Plant life in a [02-rich world - scientis Author 1992 1821. 
3) Darwin. R.F.TsigesM,Lawandrowski.J. & Ram (1995) world Agriculture and climate change - E Adapations. U.S.Department of Agriculture, Washington . Pp-703. 
4) Houghton.J.T, Jeakiss.G.J. andEphrauma.J Climate Change. The PCC scientific Assest Cambridge university press, Cambridge UK 365 Pp. 
5) IPCC, (1996) Climate Change 1995. The IPCC Assessment Report, volume 2: Scientific - Technical analysis & Impacts, Adaptions and mitigation of climate change Watson.R.T,MC.Zinyowera and R.H.Moss Cambridge university press: Cambridge and Newyark.