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An Inquest in to the Cognizance of Customers’ Perception Towards Services Provided by SBI and HDFC

Issue Abstract

The present study analyses efforts undertaken by SBI and HDFC to know the preferences of the customers. The customers are not satisfied with the services rendered by their respective banks. The study also provides suggestions for how the banking service can be improved. A comparison has been made concerning the preferences and satisfaction of customers towards banking services like ATM, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking, Loan, Saving or Current Accounts and Credit Card. The required data was collected among 100 respondents. An Independent T-Test was used to find out the relationship within and between banks to achieve the objectives. It was found that the customers of HDFC prefer e-banking because of its ATM, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking, Loans, Savings or Current Accounts, and Credit Card. After analyzing the result of the questionnaire, the study concludes that HDFC Bank is providing innovative services compared to SBI. The majority of the respondents availed of ATM facilities. SBI banks need to provide innovative services to the customers about the use and benefits of the services provided by the bank.

Keywords: Cognizance, Perception, E-Banking.

Received : 24th February 2019 

Accepted : 15th February 2019
Published : 25th March 2019



Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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