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Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning in Vellalar College for Women PG Students: A Case Study

Issue Abstract


This Lifelong learning has turn out to be important to each Students in today`s Knowledge society as a result of easy and free access to facts. In education, lifelong studying has been related to curriculum and approaches of teaching. It should be emphasized to college students that studying is never finished with inside the classroom, as soon as they're in society will face several challenges and life long learning is a should to resolve such conditions by obtaining right knowledge. this paper show that the Libraries in lifelong learning process, and objective of the study included the important of the lifelong learning, skills and benefits of the information literacy for vellalar college for women PG students learning lifelong. The representative sample from each class changed into cautiously selected in Simple Random sampling. Data collection methods included surveys and questionnaires. Therefore the Questionnaire Distributed 180,to the questionnaire received 156, the remaining 24
questionnaires has incomplete and missing data.  The response rate is 86.6% Percentages. Data analysis used in the Cross tabulation, percentage analysis, ANOVAs. The investigation is only Post Graduate students in the scientific department in Vellalar College for Women, Erode. The end result confirmed that the respondents are conscious and informed approximately the function and techniques of PG Students in information literacy competencies and acknowledgment of lifelong learning.

Key Words: Information literacy, lifelong learning, PG Students, Science Department, College.

Author Information
Dr. S. Muthuvennila
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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