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Issue Abstract

The years after economic reforms have constantly witnessing changes in the international trade, its direction and components. Many developing countries experience growth along with inflation and balance of payment issues. India and china, the two Asian giants have registered their presence felt in the trade arena. The imprint of china is more visible and aggressive. The economists commonly believe that international trade would bring about a positive array of benefits to the nations involving in the international trade. From 1990-91, India has traversed a long march towards development. It is high time to discuss the growth of India’s export, import, its share in the international trade and direction of trade. India exhibits remarkable resilience in the wake of international economic turmoil. Many countries started following the protectionist measures to protect their industries from fierce international competition. There should not be any look back in the economic liberalization and integration with the world economic benefitting the inhabitants of the earth. The instability in the general price level and balance of payments invites the judicious use of monetary and fiscal policy tools to set right the economic issues happened to be the detriment to the development of an economy.
Keywords: International trade, economic growth, direction of trade, strategies.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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