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The Indian Consumption Pattern in the Current EconomiScenario

Issue Abstract

Consumption is an important component of aggregate demand in an economy. A 
country’s consumption pattern and its outcomes unveil a radiant picture of its living standards,
level of poverty, human development and the essence of its economic growth and well-being. A
convoluted set of socio-economic, cultural, psychological and environmental factors determine 
the consumption pattern of any common man in a society. In a similar way human wants and
consumption pattern undergo major transformation interrelated with the growth and 
development of societies. Consumption is an important activity performed by any common man
and is basically of two types i.e. lifeline and lifestyle. Consumption inevitably is based on income
of a person and his assets. Economic reforms introduced by Government of India over the 
years have influenced the per capita income to a great extent and also has influenced the
consumption pattern of masses. The paper highlights the varying consumption pattern in India
in this dynamic economic scenario. 
Keywords: Consumption, Living standards, Economic Reforms, Masses 

Author Information
Ancy Stepheno. S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


Economics Survey, Ministry of finance, Government of India, New Delhi Publication. 1970-71  to 2019-20
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