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The Impact of Work Environment and Job Satisfaction With Special Reference to Public and Private Sectors Banking Employees in Chennai

Issue Abstract

This study details with impact of work environment and job satisfaction” The main objective of the study are to know the attitude of employees towards the work environment and to find out the various factors that affect the work environment. The Employee satisfaction regarding various aspects of the job is also determined. The research design adapted in this study was descriptive. The nature of the study carried out is census survey in
which the entire population of banking employees in Chennai is considered. The population size of is 150.The
Questionnaire is distributed to all the employees of public and private sectors banks. The main tool employed in
collecting the primary data is through framing a structured questionnaire. The Statistical tools used in this study are Percentage analysis, Pearson‟s correlation, weighted average method, Chi-square test. This study concentrates on finding the physiological factors in work environment and satisfaction level of employees towards various aspects of job. Suggestions are given to improve the work environment and to overcome the
difficulties faced by employees in work. 

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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