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The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance – with Special Reference to it Sector

Issue Abstract

The main purpose of this paper is to study the effect of Human Resource Management Strategy on Organizational Performance in manufacturing sector. To assess this, a model with 6 latent variables has been presented in which each of the variables has been measured by other indicators. To measure the indicators of the model, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed. According to the results, Human Resource Strategy leads to human resource effectiveness because of enriching organizational performance. The topic Strategic Human Resource
management will help the organizations in Bangalore .To develop the competency skills of the personnel working in their organization. Sample sizes of 100 employees were chosen using simple random sampling technique.
Descriptive analysis is followed us research design. Inductive approach as research approach is used which help the researcher to draft the theory on the analysis and survey as research strategy is used in this study. Primary data is obtained through questionnaire and secondary data through journals, books, internet and newspapers. 
Keywords — Strategy, Human Resource, Management, Strategic plan, Competency Skills. 

Author Information
Issue No
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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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