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The Impact of Savings And Investment Decision Towards Investing Women Investors in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

The investors felt very much the effect of introduction of New Economic Policy, 1991.In this situation greater investment competition and also economical change in perception are the greater challenges to the women investors. These changes are due to many factors. If the women investor understands the factors clearly and properly he can make a sound investment decisions. The primary objective of this study is to create good investment and awareness for the country. Demographic factors such as Age, Income, Family hold, Occupation, Family circumstances, Employment Status and Investment conditions such as Choice of Portfolio, Risk Bearing Capacity, and Sources of Information also play a vital role in determining investments. By analyzing these demographic and environmental factors, the study gives an idea how to create investor awareness. The objective of this study is to analyses the Investment size pattern, Expected Returns and the Risk bearing capacity.
Key words: savings, investment, empowerment, financial decision, women investors.

Author Information
Dr. R. Kalidoss
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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