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The Impact of purpose value on Tourists’ Satisfaction

Issue Abstract


The impact of tourist perception, destination Quality and satisfaction on loyalty has been an interesting research topic in tourism research. It is important to understand the destination Quality while taking decisions related to strategic marketing of tourism destinations. It is assumed that the understanding may facilitate a positive Quality of a destination, loyalty to tourist destinations and satisfaction felt by tourists. The loyalty is a concept closely related to tourists‟ satisfaction and as a result even with the ideas there is a high degree of satisfaction with loyal tourists. However, in the context of travel and tourism, a review of literature reveals an abundance of studies on destination Quality; tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty has not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, it is time for practitioners and academics to conduct more studies of loyalty in order to have greater knowledge of this concept, to understand the role of customer satisfaction in developing loyalty, the impact of other non-satisfaction determinants on customer loyalty, and their interrelationships.
Keywords: Tourist perception, Tourist expectation, Destination quality, tourist satisfaction, destination loyalty.

Author Information
Dr. vijay
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Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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