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Impact VIA PROS and CONS of Digital Marketing

Issue Abstract


The digital era has brought about a sea change in the methods and means of marketing of goods and services in the country as well as the whole world. Globalization and liberalization have become the buzzwords in this era. The increased and worldwide dispersion of the goods is possible beyond doubt. But the need for this type of economic growth is felt everywhere. Hence the study is most vital in this era of digitalization in anything and everything for growth and development of the country, standard of living, and the increase in the National income in the country and the development of mankind as a whole. Hence an attempt is made by the researcher to delve into the pros and cons of the digital marketing in various dimensions. 

Key Words: Impact, Pros, Cons, Digital Marketing.

Received : 03rd December 2019 

Accepted : 15th December 2019 

Published : 15th January 2020





Author Information
J. Mahil Kamalam
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2020
Issue Pages