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Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Satisfaction with Special Reference to Kollam Corporation

Issue Abstract

  Recently Banks have radically converted from the traditional use of banking to branch less positions of banking. The latest adoption of using technology has helped banks to extent their customer base, while electronic banking has proved to be the main advancement. Mobile banking categorized as the latest development in electronic banking services, where the bank customers can review balance inquiry, fund transfer, check account, SMS,payment transaction and other business according to bank’s instruction. From customers perspective the benefits of mobile banking services are convenience to perform banking transactions anytime, anywhere and easily. Security is ensured, as banking transactions are encrypted and password –protected. In a meanwhile the rapid growth of using technology by phones helped banks to achieve their goals. In this paper the researcher tries to analyse the impact of mobile banking on customer satisfaction  with special reference to kollam corporation,kerala.
Keywords: Mobile banking, Customer satisfaction

Author Information
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Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


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