Banking has always been a highly information-intensive activity that relies heavily on information technology (IT) to acquire, process, and deliver the appropriate information to all relevant users and differentiate their products and services. The banking industry is one of the leading segments of the financial services sector in adopting and utilizing the technology on consumer markets and consequently, its service delivery has undergone
changes unprecedented in its history. The retail banking distribution system witnessed a major shift in the 1970s, due to the emergence of new technologies that simplified remote access to banks. Over the past few years, the world has witnessed significant changes in wireless communication systems. This has provided various opportunities to business, while consumers are enhancing the use of mobile devices for their daily activities. . One area of interest is the growing adoption and acceptance of mobile payment services around the
world. The use of mobile payment technology has tripled in the last few years. Despite its growth potential, researchers have paid little attention to the factors that influence the intention to use mobile payment services in the emerging market. The main aim of the study is to identify the impact of mobile banking on customer satisfaction with reference to retail banking in Kanyakumari district. Both primary and secondary data are extensively used in this study. Then, the primary data was collected through the questionnaire method from the
mobile banking users. For this study 75 respondents were selected positively. For collecting necessary data, 75 respondents have been collected in Kanyakumari district by using convenience sampling method. From this study, we can see that among many factors that determine the customers’ satisfaction for mobile banking services; accessibility, convenience, privacy, security, design, content, speed and Fees and Charges appear to be the most
important determinants of customers’ satisfaction.
Keywords: Information technology, Banking, Mobile Payment, Wireless communication.
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