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The Impact of HR Practices on Reten tion of Employees in IT sector, Tharamani

Issue Abstract

This paper analyses the role of Human Resource Practices in Retention of employees in an organi zation, drawing on extensive literature review and empirical research. This paper examines how strategic alignment between HR practices and organizational goals influence employee’s productivity and employee retention. This research paper also examines the crucial role of Human Resource (HR) practices in shaping employee productivity and retention within the Information Technology (IT) sector. Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature and empirical studies, the paper investigates various HR s trategies and their influence on employee performance and tenure. The sample size of this study is 300, descriptive research design is adopted for this study. The statistical tools used for this study are Correlation and one way Anova.Key factors explored include Promotion, high productivity, skill based learning, rewards and recognition and retention. The findings underscore the significance of strategic HR management in enhancing productivity levels and fostering employee retention in the dynamic and co mpetitive landscape of the IT industry. Recommendations are provided for HR practitioners and organizational leaders to optimize HR practices for sustained business success and employee well being.
Key Words: HR Practices, Promotion, Skill based Learning, Productivity, Retention

Author Information
Mr. S. Arul Krishnan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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