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Impact of Economic Growth in Green Products and Green Marketing

Issue Abstract


In the reoriented world, people love to live a completely luxuriant life. In that case, many subjects cause his life. A few causes are jobs, affairs, good livelihood, especially shopping, that is marketing. Everyone knew that generally, all supermarkets have tightly and beautifully packed items, highly concentrated dairy products, and vegetables. People do not know whether these products are natural or artificial, but we all are forced to buy these products. Due to such reasons, a new market emerged and was said as “GREEN MARKET”. Economic and environmental performance must go hand in hand. The natural environment is central to economic activity and growth, providing the resources we need to produce goods and services, and absorbing and processing unwanted by-products in the form of pollution and waste. Environmental assets contribute to managing risks to economic and social activity, helping to regulate flood risks, regulating the local climate (both air quality and temperature), and maintaining the supply of clean water and other resources. This underpins economic activity and well-being, and so maintaining the condition of natural assets is a key factor in sustaining growth for the longer term. Correspondingly, economic growth contributes to the investment and dynamism needed to develop and deploy new technology, which is fundamental to both productivity growth and managing environmental assets. This article is to examine the economic growth of the products and marketing of the green revolution. Initially, we have to analyze the basic and grassroots level of effective benefits of green marketing which is widely said to be bringing awareness. Finally, the findings and the implications of the research are discussed. This will help the functionaries of marketers in market and target marketing by ensuring and observing the economic growth of society. 

Keywords: Green Marketing, Green products, Eco-friendly, economic growth.

Received : 03rd January 2020 

Accepted : 15th January 2020 

Published : 15 th February 2020





Author Information
S. Harikrishnan, D. Vickram
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2020
Issue Pages