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Impact of Digital Revolution on Customer Service

Issue Abstract

   The digital revolution has profoundly transformed customer service, catalyzing a paradigm shift towards seamless, technology-driven experiences. This study investigates the impact of emerging technologies on customer satisfaction, utilizing non-probabilistic convenience sampling with a sample size of 211. Employing one-sample t-tests and correlation analysis demonstrates a positive correlation between digital integration and elevated customer experiences. AI-driven virtual voice assistants and IoT-enabled smart devices have emerged as pivotal touchpoints, enhancing response times and fostering real-time engagement. Furthermore, AI platforms' predictive capabilities and accuracy in understanding customer sentiments have streamlined issue resolution. The synergy between human agents and AI has redefined service delivery, striking an optimal balance between empathy and efficiency.However, concerns over data privacy and system failures during peak demands pose ongoing challenges. As digital disruption continues to reshape industry landscapes, organizations must proactively embrace technological advancements to curate unparalleled customer journeys and fortify brand loyalty in an era of heightened expectations.
Keywords: AI Accuracy, Response Time, IoT Integration, AI Platforms, Virtual Voice Assistant, Customer Experience.

Author Information
Maarcus L
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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