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Impact of Demographic Variables on Work Life Balance of Women Employees in it Sector with Reference to Chennai

Issue Abstract

After liberalization, Indian economy has created considerable employment opportunities for women, who possess management skills and talent. Today women form an important part of the Indian workforce. This is a positive development that women are making their presence felt in different walks of life. But despite working in an organization, women still manage the house. The demand at work place as well as at home, the work life balance of women employees has been at stake. Different factors affect work life balance and one set of factors could be demographic variables. The present study is undertaken to determine the relationship between the demographic variables and work life balance of women employees in IT sector with reference to Chennai, a metropolitan
city of India and a sample of 90 employees is chosen using stratified random sampling method. The hypothesis is tested using chi-square test and it has revealed that there is significant relationship between demographic variables and work life balance.
Keywords:  Work Life Balance, Women employees, IT Sector, Demographic variables.

Author Information
L.Anandha Lakshmi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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