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How to Find Angel Investors for Startups in India

Issue Abstract

Every Entrepreneur who is planning to launch his Startup does come across with these problems. Where to find Angel Investors? Will they invest in my startup? How to Pitch Angel Investors? If we talk about you will agree when I say “Investors play a key role in Startup Success” So the question arises who are Angel Investors? Angel Investors are the experienced entrepreneurs who themselves has been through the same phase from which you are going through and the ones who understands what it takes to create a billion dollar company out of an idea. It is true that “What business makes great is the great idea” But business require funds to make it big, A guidance from a more experienced person can increase the probability of your business success as well. First of all you need to understand there is difference between who you expected from Angel Investors and how actually Angel Investors do. This is something what everyone expects from Angel Investors but this is not something which Angel Investor does. They would analyze every possible aspect at which your startup can be valued. Well, you could always find angels and startup investors scattered all over social media. They are people who have been in and around the startup ecosystem for the most part. However, connecting with them could be an un-necessary hassle. The result show that there is number of angel networks that helps to connect Angel Investors in India. The paper shows that there is very little awareness of this concept which could give a big boost to our economy especially when entrepreneurship start-ups are being given such importance. The paper would contribute to help in forming policy which could promote the development of Angel Investor in India. This paper differs from previous studies as it is the first paper concentrating on How to find Angel Investors for startups in India and different types of Angel Investors in globe.
Keywords: Angel Investors, Angel Investor network, Entrepreneurs

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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