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A High-Peromance and Low-Power Pipeline Vedic Multiplier Using Adiabatic Logi

Issue Abstract

In this paper, we portray a vitality proficient Vedic multiplier structure utilizing Energy Efficient Adiabatic Logic (EEAL). The power utilization of the proposed multiplier is essentially low on the grounds that the vitality exchanged to the heap capacitance is generally recuperated. The proposed 8x8 CMOS and adiabatic multiplier structure have been planned in a TSMC 0. 18 μm CMOS process innovation and checked by Cadence Design Suite. Both simulation and estimation results confirm the usefulness of such rationale, making it reasonable for implementing energy-mindful and execution - effective very-substantial scaling proportion (VLSI) hardware. The conventional and pipeline Adiabatic Vedic multiplier were discussed in this article.
Keywords: Multiply – Adiabatic logic, Pipeline, multiplier, Vedic Multiplication, CMOS, single phase, low-power.

Author Information
Bujji Pasupuleti
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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