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Green Products and its Usage: Logical Study with respect to Customers of Bangalore Urban

Issue Abstract


The environment maintains ecological balance which is vital for the survival of life on our planet. The environment has given a lot to humans but it is the humans who are degrading the environment with their activities. Due to rapid advancement in technology, there have been multiple negative effects on the environment it is the moral responsibility of every human being to protect the environment and make the planet an amazing place to live in. With the consumption pattern, it can be estimated that about 170% of the earth's resources will be exhausted by 2040. It is a known fact that resources are limited and wants are unlimited so it becomes important to use the resources efficiently. There are different factors influencing consumer behavior it can be economic conditions, individual preferences, marketing campaigns, and group influences. So the researcher has taken up the study to analyze the consumers’ behavior with respect to the usage of green products in Bangalore urban. The study was conducted to determine the awareness and knowledge of respondents about green products, to determine which factors motivate and demotivate the usage of green products, and to analyze the influence of different attributes on the usage of green products through a chi-square test. The companies should encourage consumers on how to use and dispose of the products to build sustainability, there should be a rational appeal by the companies telling the consumers what effects their products have on the environment. 

Keywords: Environment, Ecological balance, Green products, Sustainability, Technology.

Received : April 2022

 Accepted : April 2022 

Published : May 2022

Author Information
K. Dharshan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2022
Issue Pages