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Green Marketing in India: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

Issue Abstract

The term “green products” is used commonly to describe the products that seek to protect or enhance the environment during production, use, or disposal by conserving resources and minimizing the use of toxic agents, pollution, and waste. Hence, green products offer potential benefits to the environment and human health. As the public become more educated and informed about environmental issues, they soon realize that they may contribute unintentionally and unknowingly to greenhouse gas, acid rain, pollution and massive accumulation of waste. To overcome these difficulties a new concept has born in the present globalized world where production, consumption and also the marketing of the products can be carried effectively ensuring environment safety. This concept is named as “Green Marketing”. The outcome of this paper may trigger the minds of marketer to give a thought for adopting the suitable strategies which will give them a way to overcome major problems associated with regular marketing techniques and make a shift to green marketing. The paper also examines the present trends of green marketing in India and describes the reason why companies are adopting it and future of green marketing and concludes that green marketing is something that will continuously grow in both practice and demand.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Emerging of Green Marketing, Green Strategies, opportunities and Challenges, sustainable development.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
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Issue References industries
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