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Green Management Initiatives in Healthcare Sector - An Empirical Study on Private Hospitals in Chennai City

Issue Abstract

The test in the clinical benefits locale is driving clinical benefits relationships to look for new ways and means for dealing with their cycles. So this has begun Green Relationship in the Flourishing Region which plays a pivotal part in supporting countries across the globe. The quality of this survey is to know the importance and beginning of green affiliations that are entered in the audit units. This audit used examinations that were assembled from informed specialists and more colossal circumstances with basically unclear endeavors in clinical concentrations in Chennai City. The review was dependent upon to consider both excited and quantitative data evaluations and focused on the status and frameworks for green drives in clinical core interests.
Keywords: Green Management, Healthcare, Clinical.

Author Information
Dr E Dhivyadeepa
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2021
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Cadet Energy Efficiency in Hospitals, Maxi Brochure
2. Hospital Tulln (1999) Austria
3. Best Environmental Practices in the Healthcare Sector
4. Healthy Hospitals Healthy Planet Healthy People. Addressing climate change in health care settings, World Health Organization, Health Care Without Harm, 2012.