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Government Welfare Responses to the Migrant Workers in Kerala: An Overview

Issue Abstract


Kerala economy has largely depended on migrant labourers from different parts of the country in recent years. But the working and living conditions of this labour force in the state is pitiful. The vulnerability and social exclusion among the migrant workers have been widely discussed. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure the better living and working conditions to the core labour source of the state. The present paper is a look in to the government initiatives to assimilate these migrant workers in to the state.      

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. Peter Benoy and Vishnu Narendran (2017) “Gods Own Workforce: Untravelling the Labour Migration to Kerala”, Centre for Migration and Inclusive Development Perumbavoor.

  2. Narayana. D and Venketeswaran C. S (2013) “Domestic Migrant Labour in Kerala”, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Trivandrum. 

  3. Peter Benoy (2017) “Giving Every Child a Fair Chance Understanding the Challenges of ensuring the Quality Education for Migrant Children: A Case Study of Ernakulam District”,Centre for Migration and Inclusive Development, Perumbavoor.