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A Gap Analysis on Consumers’ Expected and Perceived Services With Respect to Online Shopping at Chennai, Tamilnadu

Issue Abstract

In today’s hectic world, the consumers do not have adequate time to shop their goods and services. They prefer for online shopping over conventional shopping. Along with the development of technology, E-commerce is gaining a leadership advantage in retailing goods and services. The study aims to measure the customers’ expected and perceived level of service from online shopping at Mylapore, Chennai. It mainly focuses on identifying the gap between the expected and perceived level of services towards online shopping. The research design was analytical in nature. Data was collected using structured interview schedule method. Judgment sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 respondents. Analyses such as reliability, descriptive statistics, paired t-test and Friedman test were used to measure the gap between customers’ expected and perceived level of services towards online shopping of goods and services. Data was presented in the form of tables. Based on the findings, it was found that there exists a gap between the expected and perceived level of services with respect to online shopping. Conclusions as well as suggestions were discussed.
Key words: Expected Service, Perceived Service, Gap Analysis, Online Shopping, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Author Information
Mr. P. Rajendra Prasad,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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