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Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Hexogonal Fuzzy Numbers by Robust Ranking Method

Issue Abstract

The transportation problem is a special linear programming problem which arises in many practical applications. Pandian[4] has obtain some methods for fuzzy transportation problem. This paper proposes a ranking method to find the fuzzy optimal solution of balanced fuzzy transportation problem using Hexagonal fuzzy numbers with improved Vogel’s Approximation method. Robust Ranking method is applied to arrange the Fuzzy number in a specific interval. For this solution zero suffix method is used in which the supplies and demands are Hexagonal fuzzy numbers and fuzzy membership of the objective function is defined. A numerical example is given to show the efficiency of the method.
Keyword Fuzzy Transportation problem, Hexagonal fuzzy numbers, zero suffix method, Robust Ranking method, fuzzy optimal solution and improved Vogel’s Approximation method.

Author Information
Mr. P.Elumalai
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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