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Forewarn Traffic Signal with Ambulance Detection By GPS and Light Standard Signal Using Machine Learning

Issue Abstract

Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam, it’s pretty aggravating and all of a sudden you hear a siren of an ambulance and everyone around us start making space for the ambulance to pass and relived to reach its destination, but it is unfeasible in every circumstance. Ambulance services are one of the mainly affected services in traffic jams. Let’s talk about few statistics, according to a report published by Times of India about 146,133 people were killed in road accidents in India in the year 2016. Unfortunately, about 30% of deaths are caused due to delayed ambulance. Another Indian government data shows more than 50% of heart attack cases reach hospital late. Providing prompt and effective emergency health services by the ambulances is a challenge in country like India. So, the main core is to make sure that ambulances should be prime concerned during traffic jams and help them reach their destined hospitals instantaneously. The exercise behind this is whenever the ambulance finds a nearby traffic signal within the radius of 500 metres, it will immediately send the request to the control room for checking the current status of the signal in which the ambulance has to cross. What it takes is that mainly we need to train an SVM classifier which is a machine learning module on extracted features to differentiate between Vehicle and Non-Vehicle objects. For feature extraction to have a robust feature set and to increase accuracy level we will be using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). Using this we should be able to get further details of vehicles like their colour. Scikit-image python library provides us with the necessary API for calculating HOG feature. Once we have the prediction model, it’s time to use it on our test images. Prediction model will be applied in a special technique called Sliding Windows. By Eliminating false positives, we should be able to identify the Ambulance. Now we improve traffic clearance by also using street lights for detecting the approach of ambulance by placing lightweight detector CSL-YOLO on street lights and train Machine Learning module to identify the ambulance and share its location with control room to intimate its approach. Now when it is within 500 meters, we display ambulance symbol onto traffic lights and instruct the citizens to move towards the right allowing the free space on the left for the ambulance to reach the destination. By this we can conclude that this development will help in management of services and reduces risk of life.

Author Information
Dr. N. Vinaya Kumari
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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