Fintech is the fusion of finance and technology at present scenarios worldwide. It has emerged as a boon for the next generation ad provides a new scope and mode of interaction with money, transactions and many more financial items in the modern and dynamic world. Fintech made financial services accessible to populations to whom such services were inaccessible. This research paper focuses on exploring the impact of fintech on various fields of technology. The overview of fintech on modern financial systems like blockchain, cryptocurrencies and many more. The paper examines how fintech has boosted financial inclusion and accessibility, modernised payment systems, customised financial services, fostered entrepreneurship, and enhanced security measures. It also highlights the issues and regulatory concerns associated with the fintech industry. By utilising innovative technologies such as mobile apps, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, fintech is revolutionising the financial sector, empowering individuals and businesses, and paving the way for a more inclusive and efficient financial environment. This research study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of fintech's revolutionary potential and its implications for the next generation and beyond.
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