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Financing of Higher Education in Telangana State

Issue Abstract

Education is an important instrument for the development of political, economic, social, technological and human development. The benefits of education are many and they accrue to both individual and society. After  formation of the Telangana state it was expected that education would be given high priority by earmarking more and more funds to make education as accessible, affordable and equitable with reasonable quality. But contrary to this, budget allocations are declining year after year though it may be increasing in absolute terms, resulting in decline in institutions and enrolment except in few cases. Equity among different social groups is ensuring by allocating appropriate funds to respective categories but equity is not ensured among different types of education in allocation of funds.  In sum public education is declining in general and specific groups’ education is increasing but  sustainability and integration of these institutions is a big question in the long run.

Keywords: Equity, Finance, Growth, Inclusion and sustainability. 

Author Information
K Anji Reddy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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