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Fin tech- A Contemporary tool of Financial Innovation

Issue Abstract

Fin tech is a combination of the terms "financial" and "technology". Any program, piece of software or piece of technology that makes it possible for individuals or organizations to conduct financial transactions or obtain access to their accounts digitally is referred to as such. The growth and quick adoption of transformational technologies, as well as the applications (or "apps") they enable, have had a significant impact on the fin tech sector over the past two decades. The ability of fin techs to recognize and address the sources of friction customers frequently experience with traditional financial institutions (FIs) has been crucial to their success along the way. Many fin tech companies have offered top-notch, consumer-focused digital experiences, given underserved and unbanked client groups access, and established cost-effective ways of functioning through more effective infrastructure and streamlined processes.
Keywords: Fin tech, Block chain, Distributed ledger technologies, or DLTs, Finance

Author Information
Bijina CK
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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