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Female Attitude in the Dark Holds No Terror by Shashi Deshpande

Issue Abstract

SashiDeshpande is one of the Indian English woman writers who depict Indian women life in their real form. Sashi deshpande is not only a writer but also an Indian woman who won to describe the under currents of Indian society. She was born in Dharwar in 1938.after graduation, she joined for law. She was a journalist after her studies and that widened her realm of thought and that gave her a chance to know more about Indian society. Among the recent Indian women novelists writing in English, Deshpande has emerged as one of the main stream woman writers in India and has draw critical attention because of her detailed,sensitive and realistic representation of Indian middle class women in the domestic sphere. Her major novels include The Dark Holds No Terror(1980), Roots and Shadows(1983), That Long Silence(1988), The Binding Vine (1992), A Matter of Time (1996), Small Remedies(2000), Moving On(2004)and In The Country of Deceit (2008) Deshpande‟s forte has been the Indian women , her conflicts and predicaments‟ against the background of contemporary India. The issues and themesin her novels arise from the situation of women at the cross read of a traditional society. This paper “The Dark Holds No Terror” deals the trauma of the middle class working women who has become a trap in the male dominated society. Which is reflective of the feminist aspirations? The discard and disillusionment of the educatedwoman in atradition bound „Indian society‟ is the theme of the novel. There is the ultimate realization at the end, after a stretched mental predicament and a long drown introspection. Womenquest for self exploration is the principal theme of this novel.

Key words: alienation,disaffection, selfrecrimination, domination, marriage woes, sense of guilt, self-indicted, etc.

Author Information
Mrs. S.Shabina
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Deshpande, Shashi. The Dark Holds No Terrors. 1980. Delhi: Penguin Books, 1990.Print.Iyengar, Srinivasa K.R. Indian Writing in English (New Delhi: Sterling Publisher, 1993).
2. Tripathi, Nalinabh. Gender Identity and Inner Space in The DarksHolds No Terrors.The Fiction of the Shashi Deshpande. Ed. R.S.Pathak. New Delhi:Prestige Books, 1998.
3. The Indian Review of World Literature in English, Vol. 2, No.II – Jul, 2006
4. Vishwanatha, Vanamala. A. Woman‟s World All the Way!(Interview).The fiction of Sashi Deshpande.