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Factors Influencing Brand Preference of Smart Phones Among the Youth in Kerala

Issue Abstract

The term viral marketing, buzz marketing and word of mouth marketing are used interchangeably. Even though the marketing literature distinguishes between these terms, all of these refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to build brand awareness by encouraging people to talk about the brand. As per definition, a brand is a name given to a product or service, such that it takes on an identity by itself. The brand is used widely in business- marketing and advertising for the wide-scale acceptance of the product. The popularity of brand increases with quality advertising techniques. In today’s world, Smartphone’s have occupied a crucial position in our life. India has become the second biggest active smart phone market in the sense of active and unique users in the world crossing 220 million users, greater than the US market, according to a report by Counterpoint Research. The ability to access all corners of the globe with the touch of our fingertips has changed the world drastically and gets everything closer .Newer and more improved versions of the product reach the market, the budding minds of our youth are attracted to them for reaching possibilities. Though India is still has a long way to go, as the smart phone penetration is still below 30% of the total country’s population. There is vast competition among brands to prove themselves in the terms of features, appearance, ease of access and increase in sales. Brand preference is not something new since its advent. The youth are gazing to the glowing success of smart phones constantly looking to upgrade to a better version. Brand preference does not mean choosing over quality. Some people feel certain brands are loyal to them so that they may feel attached to this particular brand for no apparent reason, only willing to substitute if there preferred brand is unavailable. Brand preference is common among young generation especially in the case of smart phones. The attachment may be emotional or habitual which makes them prefer it above others. Nowadays teenagers can be found arguing about which brand is best and which is not. Arguments solely depend on their brand preferences. So this study concentrates on the influencing factors of the smart phone selection in Kerala.
Key Words: - voltage stability, voltage stability index, critical point.

Author Information
Girish S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Schiffman&Kanuk (2006) „Consumer Behaviour 10th Edition Prentice-Hall of india
2. Hoyer &Maciinnis (2003) „Consumer Behavior‟ 3rd Edition Prentice- Hall of India
3. Amanda Lenhart, Pew Research Centre : internet science and tech (2009), Teens and Mobile Phones Over the Past Five Years: Pew Internet Looks Back
4. Smriti Chand, Your article Library: Next generation library, Notes on Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing
5. Kotari C.R (2008) „Research Methodology‟ 2nd Edition Himalaya Publication.