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Factors Affecting Students’ Investment Behaviour In Bangalore – An Empirical Analysis

Issue Abstract

The term ‘investment’ means different in every function of business. In a general sense, the term invest means the distribution of your funds to generate a return in the future. Investors try to make their investment decisions with utmost rationality which is looking for an avenue with less risk and higher returns. There are various avenues for investing in a country like India like the money market, capital market etc. The investors try to gain as much knowledge as possible of these before investing. Investment behaviour is important to an individual’s future and that decision may be dependent on many factors. It has been said that the attitude of people towards investment affects the potential returns from them. There are various personal factors like loss aversion, herd behaviour, overconfidence etc. which affect the investment.
Investment of money into the stock market is not a very favourable thing for university students. There is a lot of ambiguity amongst the students when you talk about investing their money. This is usually because of factors like lack of knowledge, low savings and even their risk tolerance. There are various studies which analyse the investment behaviour amongst the investors, but most of them do not consider the student population. In this study, we are trying to analyse the investment behaviour among students and the factors affecting them.

Keywords: Investors, Investment and Stock market.

Received : 15th January 2019 

Accepted : 30th January 2019
Published : 13th February 2019

Author Information
R. Rajesh
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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