The change in climate due to global warming, lead to induce the changes of different types of natural disasters such as Drought, Floods, cyclones and Forest fire and man made disasters like ozone depletion, Environmental acidification etc., IPCC of UN in its repost has confirmed the global warming trend and projected that the globally averaged temperature of the air above earth’s surface would rise by 1° 4 to 5.8° C over the next 100 years. India is highly vulnerable to climate change as its economy is heavily reliant on climate sensitive sectors like agriculture.
The mainly highlighted of the paper is to study the Agricultural Impact of Climatic Change. There is a wealth of evidence quantifying the economic cost of climate change in India. Experts from the University of Reading have estimated that mean summer rainfall in India will increase by 10% along with rainfall intensity and this will be
accompanied by more regional variations. This is likely to affect agriculture sector.
Keywords: Climate Change, Agriculture, Global
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