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Evaluating the influence of variables on work life balance of women employees in Textile

Issue Abstract


Work-life balance (WLB) is a significant topic in Human Resource Management. Gone are the days when women were deprived of their rights. But now in today's technological world, women are at par with men. WLB is an important theory that tells about how a woman balances her job and her family. There are many elements that influence WLB. This study tries to find out how the six independent factors influence the WLB of women employees working in textile companies. The independent variables considered for the study are job stress, value of work life, organization support, supervisor support, coworker support, and family support. The dependent variable considered for the study is WLB. The area under study is Tirupur district. The result shows that job stress, coworker support, and family support are negatively influencing WLB. Value of work-life, organization support, and supervisor support are influencing positively on work-life balance. 

Keywords: WLB, Textile industry, Quality of life, Agriculture.

Received : 03rd December 2021 

Accepted : 15th December 2021 

Published : 25th January 2022



Author Information
R. Shanthi , T. Nathiya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2022
Issue Pages