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Environmental Problems and Ecopreneurship- Role of College Level Entrepreneurship Education in Kerala

Issue Abstract

The Kerala Model of Economic Development is well celebrated for the tremendous progress made by the state in terms of literacy and other human development indices and to a certain extent ecological sustainability. The present scenario of the world economy is increasing wants, limited resources, and the growing ecological problems associated therewith. Kerala's economy too faces the same situation. It is high time to pay attention to the role that can be played by green entrepreneurs simply called ecopreneurs in tackling ecological problems. Several studies have proved that ecopreneurs can surely help solve ecological problems and reduce environmental degradation. This paper focuses on the major ecological challenges faced by the Kerala economy at present and highlights the need for nurturing environmentally friendly ecopreneurs to address these problems. It also discusses the role of entrepreneurship education at the college level in fostering an ecopreneurship culture among the upcoming Kerala youth. Some of the eco-friendly entrepreneurship ideas suited to our economy are also mentioned in this paper. Attempts made by the University of Kerala to nurture entrepreneurship-oriented education and the recent problems encountered in this area are also highlighted in the study.
Keywords – Ecopreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Education, Entrepreneurship Education

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Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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