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Entrepreneurship Development- An Indian Scenario

Issue Abstract


In India entrepreneurs involved in commercial activities under Industries, Service, and Business (ISB) are growing in
numbers. The quality output of these entrepreneurs is to be improved further to compete with the products in the market. The Indian market is becoming global. The customers/consumers are demanding innovative products. Marketing techniques with attractive advertisements intoxicate the consumers continuously. To survive in these
changing market trends and changing wants/ requirements of the customers/consumers, entrepreneurs are compelled to improve their quality output. To achieve their objectives, entrepreneurs need financial assistance to
acquire new machinery/equipment and effective training to update their skills including marketing tacts.

Keywords: Industries, Customer Service, Entrepreneur and Business

Author Information
Dr. S. Raju
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2015
Issue Pages

Issue References


  1. For a compilation of definitions, Robert C. Ronstadt, Entrepreneurship (Dover, MA: Lord Publishing, 1984),p.28; Howard H. Stevenson and David E.Gumpert, “The Heart of Entrepreneurship, “Harvard Busines Review (Match/April 1985):p.85-94; and J.Barton Cunningham and Joe Lischeron, “Defining Entrepreneurship :’ Journal of Small Business Management(January 1991):p.45-61.
  2. R.V.Badi& N.V. Badi (2012) “Entrepreneurship”, Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi- 110091. PP 35-36
  3. Reynolds, Paul D., Michael Hay, William D. Bygrave, S. Michael Camp, and ErkkoAutio, 200o Global Entrepreneur Monitor:2000 Executive Reports (Kanas City, Kauffman Centre for Entrepreneurial).
  4. Monica Loss, F.L. Bascunan (2011): Entrepreneurship Development”, Global Vision Publishing House, New
  5. Gupta S.L. &Arun Mittal (2011) “Entrepreneurship Development”, International Book House (P) Ltd., New Delhi 110 002 pp.23-24
  6. Sami Uddin (1989) “Entrepreneurship Development in India”, Shree Hari Printers, Delhi-110007 pp117-131.
  7. Atul Mishra (2013) “Role of Government in Developing Entrepreneurs”, AISECT University Journal Vol.II/Issue IV Sep 2013. IISSN:2278-4187