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Entrepreneurial Resilience - The Key Ingredient for Successful Entrepreneurship.

Issue Abstract


To be an entrepreneur requires an extraordinary mix of force and lowliness. It's an exquisite thing to say that you are going to fabricate something that the world needs, yet that, you trust, none of the billions of people who have gone before you or live beside you now has ever seen or finished. To arrive, in any case, requires the quietude to go up against a hundred little goofs every week. The best approach to accomplishment is designed by method for a thousand little adjustments, each one possible just in light of the fact that the entrepreneur has their eyes and ears absolutely open and can change again and again to each one of the mistake before them. Resilience is the beliefs that enables people to go through hardship and end up being better. No one getaways anguish, fear and persevering. However from distress can come insight, from fear can come grit, from anguish can come quality in case we have the judiciousness of resilience.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, resilience.

Author Information
Mr. C.S. Gowtham Chakravarthy,
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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