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Employees Job Satisfaction and ways to Improve it in the Current Scenario

Issue Abstract

  Employees are considered as the vital resource in every organisation. They should be properly utilized to get maximum output. Contribution from satisfied employees is higher than normal contributors. Employee satisfaction is term used to define employee‟s feeling towards their work, whether they are happy and feeling fulfilled with their needs and desires. It is the measure of happiness of employee towards their work and work environment. The main objective of the study is to suggest the various ways to improve the employee job satisfaction level in current trend at workplace. This study also addresses the numerous variables that contribute to employee satisfaction and its impact on organisation such as retention, turnover and productivity level. The data for the study are collected from various journals, research papers and websites. Hence, this is a conceptual paper about the employee job satisfaction.
Keywords: employee satisfaction, variables, outcomes of satisfied employees, ways to improve satisfaction.


Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References


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