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Employee Engagement and Commitment in Educational Field

Issue Abstract

The variables under the present study i.e. attitude and work commitment of the teachers towards the teaching profession are very important in the field of education. These two variables are like an engine driver for the vehicle education. They directly affect the classroom processes. How best the teacher is going to serve the students will   depend on the attitude of the teachers towards the teaching profession. Whether they will leave lasting impression on the minds of the students depend on the attitude and work commitment of teachers towards the teaching profession. The variable attitude and work commitment is not static but dynamic. So various factors affect
teachers attitude and work commitment of the teachers towards their teaching professions. With so many reforms in the education system we are unable to achieve the national goals and objectives. The present study is striving to analyze the different factors like pay scale, qualification, experience or gender and how they are making any kind of impact on the attitude and work commitment of the teachers towards their teaching profession. 

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Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References


“The teacher is the guide of the society and nation”; says the father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi. In the light of above statement we have to justify the role of the teacher in the society in the development of the nation and it is true not from today but from the Vedic periods. The future generation and new teachers should understand that their role as a teacher is very important in the development of society and nation. To conclude the teachers is a
representative of the society who inculcates moral values In the development of a country great attention has to be paid to education and learning. The essence of the teacher as a nation builder cannot be over emphasized. Good teachers need to be themselves constantly seeking knowledge, have high motivation and be creative, innovative and effective in their teaching strategies. The good deeds of teachers are great which will grow to become knowledgeable people who will be use to society, religion and our nation and country.