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An Economic Study on Paddy Cultivation in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu, India: A Comparative Analysis

Issue Abstract


The present study aimed to compare farmer’s efficiency of paddy production and hurdles faced in paddy cultivation in Gudiyatham and Vellore Taluk. The present study area is chosen two blocks namely Gudiyatham block in Vellore District. of Tamil Nadu. The study based on information collected from block in each blocks namely Bhuvaneswaripet, Dharanampet, Gudiyattam Cutcherry, Gudiyattam South, Kamalapuram, Kokkalur, Kosavanpudur, Kottamitta, Vellore Block, and it covers 180 farmer respondents from each block, therefore, the total sample size is 360 used stratified random sampling techniques. The study found that the Gudiyatham block farmers have slightly more efficiency than Vellore Block. But the same time in sampa, kuruvai seasons and both traditional and modern methods the Vellore Block famers shown sustainably increased yields than Gudiyatham block. Whereas, Gudiyatham block block farmers shown fluctuated efficiency to produce in the paddy production. Although the study found that the both block farmer respondents are agreed the certified seed given more productivity than uncertified seeds. Further, the study found that the both blocks farmers having moderate technical efficiency in paddy cultivation. The farmer respondents from both the blocks reported that the constraints to rice productivity Emperor Journal of Economics and Social Science Research Mayas Publication 8 included shrinking labour availability, late planting due to delayed water supply from canals, water scarcity, increasing salinity/alkalinity and high incidence of pests and diseases are faced by the farmers while the cultivation. Key words: Productivity, Profitability, Sustainability, System of Rice Intensification, Technical Efficiency

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05 Jun 2023
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Issue References


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