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E-Nam: A Boon for Farmers in Rural India

Issue Abstract

Conventional agricultural marketing system in India faced many shortcomings. So farmers are not able to achieve a proper standard of living. This leads agriculture sector is not a decorated one, hence youngsters not showing any interest in the agriculture and related activities. In order to mechanise our farming sector many private players comes with various digital platforms like e- Choupal, Ninjacart and e- Kisanetc, but a government initiative is necessary to ensure equality in each and every point. In 14th April 2016 Indian government launched e- NAM portal for online trading of agricultural produce. This paper discussed the evolution and growth of Electronic- National Agriculture Market.
Keywords: Agriculture, e- NAM, e- marketing and stakeholders

Author Information
Jemima Jose
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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