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E- Learning-A Study on Intellectual Status of Youth in the Digital ERA with special reference to Mercy College, Palakkad, Kerala

Issue Abstract

E-learning has brought out a significant revolution in the history of education in the
present digital era. Whether one is an adult, a minor, an individual, an organization, an
establishment, or whatever it is, one makes use of digitalized technologies in one way or the
other. Today the impact of e-learning is increasing day by day. Officials, experts, students,
research scholars, professionals, etc. make use of this in an unlimited manner. It has
flourished in such a way that it cannot be avoided in any context. It has attained importance
in the minds of the majority of people in our society. Along with a lot of positive effects that are
found from the side of e-learning, there are some ill effects too, which cannot be wiped out
in any manner as a substitution for classroom teaching. Never can we fully replace e-learning
in the place of physical teaching. We can still find people who are reluctant to use the same,
who wish to have normal and physical teaching practices that are adopted in our schools
and colleges. Also under e-learning one will focus only on that area which he or she needs
from the website i.e., pinpoint searching. There is no in-depth reading which in turn
reduces wider subject knowledge which one used to secure from reading large quantum of
books for reference. The present study analyses the approach of the students at Mercy
College, Palakkad on e-learning with the advancement of digitalization and how they react
towards the same and it is scrutinized that e-learning is effective in the present context. But there will be certain ill effects in the form of demodulation in the character of children who
come from different family backgrounds as they are not able to understand with what
happens in our society. Also, the study focuses on the quantum of e-learning that is
necessary in the present scenario, the taste of students towards hard copy and soft copy
readings, and correspondingly their attitude towards the society as a whole.

Keywords: E-Learning, Students, Digitalization, Physical Teaching, Ill Effects

Received : 08th November 2019

Accepted : 15th November 2019
Published : 15th December 2019




Author Information
Jency Baby
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Dec 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Rosenberg, M.J. andMcGraw-Hill, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge
in the Digital Age. New York (2001).
2. Hall, Brandon, “E-Learning Guide. Six Steps to Implementing E-Learning.” (2001),
3. Justin Ferriman, 7 Awesome Advantages of ELearning , December 10, 2013